What is new?


This page summarizes the major changes for the different releases of ICEscreen. See https://forgemia.inra.fr/ices_imes_analysis/icescreen_dev/-/blob/master/LOG_public_releases.md?ref_type=heads or https://forgemia.inra.fr/ices_imes_analysis/icescreen/-/releases for details.


  • This version fixes many bugs found in the prior releases and features software improvements and stability.


  • Detection of some fragmented signature proteins of the conjugation module and integrase. Fragmented signature proteins happens for example if a mobile element is inserted in the middle of the CDS of the signature protein.


  • Support for multigenbank files (i.e. gbff files featuring multiple genome or contig records back to back).
  • Improvements regarding the assignation of the integrases to the conjugation modules in some specific cases: (1) take into account the possibility for a multiple succession of integrases in between conjugation modules (only attribute the integrases if there are no ambiguity) ; (2) take into account the possibility for two sequential integrases to form a host/guest relationship with 2 downstream or upstream sequential conjugation modules.
  • Many bug fixes of thesignature proteins database.


  • First public release of the tool.